Can any person be hypnotized?
This is the most commonly asked question most hypnotherapists receive, and for the most part, the answer is “only the willing”. Unless there is some sort form of organic brain damage, most people can be hypnotized if they are willing. The depth of hypnosis varies with a person’s willingness and ability to respond. If a person is not naturally responsive, or if he or she is resistant, they can improve their receptivity to hypnosis with practice.
How does hypnosis work?
Hypnosis is a process in which one can relax the mind to such a degree that the individual can connect with the subconscious mind more readily, and in the work of transpersonal hypnosis, the Higher Self. There are four levels of brain wave activity. Beta – wide awake, Alpha – hypnosis, which would equate to being in “the zone” of exercise, watching TV, or driving long distances, Theta – half asleep/half awake, and Delta – deep sleep or dream state. In all four states, the subconscious is 100% present. However, in the more relaxed state, the conscious mind is not. In an alpha or theta state, the subconscious mind is very connected to the conscious mind and one is able to attain very deep communication through language to create desired shifts or release unsupportive beliefs in which the subconscious and conscious mind may have been in disagreement. Regardless of conscious thought or will, the subconscious will always rule, so the ability to shift and heal negative or unwanted subconscious messages that create our internal beliefs, fears, habits, or patterns can create significant changes in many areas of one’s life.
How many sessions will it take?
The number of sessions will vary for each individual. Some clients will have a very powerful shift from only one session, while others may wish to come for a series of sessions to really ensure they are exploring and healing each link to the issue(s) they are addressing. In any case, a consultation is the most helpful way to assess if not only hypnotherapy is right for you, but if the work that I do may be of benefit. There are many forms of hypnotherapy available and making an educated decision will be the best start.
Are the results permanent?
Much depends on the willingness and desire to truly change by the client. Certain hypnotic modalities can have very permanent and positive results, while other techniques may require further reinforcement and post-hypnotic suggestions. Self-hypnosis is a tool that can be trained and used at home by the client to reinforce the effects, as well as address anything that comes to the client’s awareness over the course of time. Additionally, there are many courses of action one can take consciously to reinforce the changes they are seeking and this can truly “root” any work that is done in a hypnotic state.
What issues can be resolved with hypnotherapy?
There is historical proof that hypnosis was used in ancient times. It was used as anesthesia for surgery, dream interpretation, and much more. Today, it is used for a long list of issue resolution or personal expansion goals.
Here are just a few:
Confidence and self-esteem improvement
Improve and heal sleep problems
Managing Depression, anxiety, or stress
Clearing emotional charge from painful experiences
Releasing or clearing trauma
Healing fears, phobias, or nightmares
Healing grief
Resolving lifelong issues such as relationship patterns or emotional issues
Resolve weight issues and improve health
Support the treatment of chronic medical conditions
Support the relief of chronic pain
Performance improvement in sports, school, or work (leadership, sales, or productivity)
Breaking a habit (such as nail-biting or smoking)
Reveal answers about past lives and provide solutions and healing to issues if they carried through
Greater awareness of one’s energy system or auric field
It can be a spiritual pathway of growth and awareness of your guides or angels
There really is no limit as to the benefits and uses. The one certainty is that for the willing client, there will be a shift…
What are some of the techniques used?
There is a great deal of history and research in the field of hypnosis as to what tools and techniques are most effective and long-lasting. I feel that the works of transpersonal hypnotherapy are the most life-shifting because they engage the Spirit as well as the Divine Realm. Here are a few of the techniques that are used at Sunrise Hypnotherapy:
Cellular Release Therapy™
Cellular Release Therapy™ is one of the most effective hypnotherapy techniques available today and there are only a few that are certified in this technique. It is based on the fact that most of our experiences and memories are held at the cellular level and create effects that we are not always conscious of. When you release at the cellular level through the subconscious connection and permission, you have gone to a much deeper level of clearing and that is where a true shift can come. The use of this work is quite vast. To name a few of the uses:
Enables you to release the effects of emotionally charged experiences such as trauma or grief
Clear blocks around performance, prosperity, weight loss, relationship patterns, and much more…
Emotional clearing around physical conditions to support recovery and healing greatly
Release fears and belief systems that are negatively affecting you
Clear negative self-talk and inner thoughts that hold you back from reaching goals
Clear habits and patterns that are aspects of many of the issues that affect our lives.
Blocks/limits in performance
Trauma or grief
Fears or Phobias
Negative thinking patterns
Relationship patterns
Difficulty in specific relationships
Physical conditions
Much more…
This work is done while the client is in a relaxed trance state and is a technique that deals directly with the subconscious mind through ideomotor signals. The client does not need to speak during this type of work as the subconscious is doing all of the communicating through the use of hand signals.
Regression Work
Past life exploration
Learning about certain soul connections with those from this life that a client is certain they have known before.
Resolving “unfinished business” from experiences in this life or another that have affects in the present day.
Spiritual Guidance
Connection with Angels and Guides
Connection with one’s own Inner Wisdom
Spiritual Council guidance & healing
Prayer & Meditation techniques
Etheric Plane Communication (EPC)
Communication at a soul level in a Higher Realm. Through EPC, it is possible to call forward another and share thoughts and feelings. This is useful in many issues such as resolving conflict, making an apology, or the support and healing grief.
Spirit/Energy Releasement
Many types of energy can attach to our own energy and it can cause a variety of issues from confusion to health issues. While in a trance state, it is possible to connect deeply with the subconscious and Higher Self to identify and clear any energy that is not your own.
The initial consultation/education session is designed to allow an opportunity for the client to assess if transpersonal hypnotherapy is the right fit for your goals. This consultation can be scheduled over the phone, over Skype/ooVoo, or in person. To schedule your initial consultation, contact Paula directly.